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Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work Hosts Regional Convening with Arizona Maricopa Community College
Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work in partnership with Maricopa Community College recently hosted the Arizona Sun Corridor Regional Convening for the Future of

Episode 30: Every Day Is Different for a Food Technician
In this episode, Mike talks with Carl Benttine, a Senior Electronics Technician at Hormel Foods.

Biomedical Technician Adrian Barraza Brings Versatile Skill Set to Work
Adrian Barraza’s curiosity about microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) set him on his career path. MEMS, which are also known as micromachines, are made up of components

Episode 29: Technology and Education for Future Farming
Curt Yoose, Agriculture Instructor, Ridgewater College

Mehran Gul Spotlights High-Tech Companies Growth Outside U.S.
Mehran Gul joined the Special Interest Group meeting of Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work on July 16 from Switzerland to explain the emergence

Gulf Coast Community Colleges Take Deeper Dive with Employers after Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work Regional Meeting
San Jacinto College and Texas Gulf Coast employers followed up on a regional convening by Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work to take their